I am a confident.
I am powerful.
I am a great dad and great husband.
I love my family and my family loves me.
I am a great provider for my family.
I am a great example of healthy financial independence.
People look up to me and respect me for what I’ve accomplished and what I’m accomplishing.
I have a great business.
I attract sharp motivated people that understand business principles and are eager to make money.
I enjoy interacting with them, training them, and mentoring them. I feel confident when I do.
My team loves growing together and supports us and each other.
I love to teach and train in front of a room.
I feel confident when I’m in front of people.
I naturally relax and enter my zone when I am in front of people.
I really really enjoy it and I am at my best when I’m in front of a crowd.
I am healthy.
I naturally avoid foods that are bad for me.
My body processes the food it needs for a healthy weight and discards the rest without weight retention.
I live in a great home and I enjoy it immensely.
The views are spectacular and there is a peace that surrounds us there.
I give back to our world. I have the financial resources to make healthy donations every month.
I enjoying giving back and I am grateful that I am able to do so.
I am happy, grateful, fun loving, generous, kind, charismatic, and loved. I am a positive force for good and I choose to keep a positive attitude at all times!